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Foot soak - Lavender -Chamomile

Foot soak - Lavender -Chamomile

SKU: 017
Hand-blended just for you.

    Bahan utama : campuran garam detox(secret recipe),dry chamomile,dry lavender dan pure oil. 


    Kaki yang berbau,tumit yang merekah dan lenguh pada sekeluruhan kaki akan membuatkan kita rimas. Masalah ini boleh dirawat jika kita konsisten menggunakan foot soak setiap 2-3kali seminggu.


    💋 Bagus untuk merawat kaki yang berbau.
    💋 Dapat menghilangkan lenguh-lenguh pada kaki dan tapak kaki.
    💋 Detox badan melalui kaki.
    💋 Menggantikan kandungan garam yang hilang dari badan.
    💋 Melancarkan peredaran darah pada kaki dan seluruh anggota badan.
    💋 Merawat tumit yang merekah. .


    Kaki akan lebih bersih dan segar dan bebas dari kesakitan. Dihasilkan daripada garam detox serta garam mineral semulajadi ditambah lavender dan chamomile. Kesan dapat dirasa dengan hanya sekali penggunaan.


    Feet are so important, fresh feet actually make us to feel better.This Lavender & Chamomile Foot So is ideal for tired feet, for those people always standing up, for those who love to run, and/or if you have dead and hard skin on them.The ingredients used are going to moisturize, deeply clean and refresh.


    This Lavender & Chamomile Foot So is ideal for tired feet, for those people always standing up, for those who love to run, and/or if you have dead and hard skin on them.The ingredients used are going to moisturize, deeply clean and refresh.


    Two of the most powerful Salts on the planet will help to get rid of dead skin (Detox salt blend) and detox your feet. Dry Lavender will give a soft moisturizing touch.Dry Chamomile will absolutely refresh.


    Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations.


    Chamomile  is a true must have for any soak mixture. It is used as a soothing and healing herb, wonderful for those with dry skin, to soak a healing wound.

    Directions :

    ❤ 2 tablespoons or desired among into foot tub/basin :: add warm water :: leave feet in soak for 20 minutes :: rinse,use 1-2 times weekly

    ❤ Do NOT introduce any water into container :: there are no preservatives :: use within 8-12 months

    ❤ There are NO anti-clumping agents in this soak (we want everything to stay natural) :: so please give a little shake if it becomes clumpy :: it does not change the benefits of this soak.

    ❤ Test a small area of skin to determine irritation :: if skin irritation occurs, please stop using.

    **Available in 250ml with mini spoon


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